EspaceAgro selleco

Diesel CIF Lome - Italie

Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°665853:   08/12/2024 22:40:11
1. transaction procedure: o the buyer issues this icpo, along with the charter party agreement (cpa), company profile, and a letter of commitment to adhere to the seller's procedure. o the seller issues the commercial invoice (ci) for the available quantity. the buyer signs and returns the invoice along with storage agreements and the ncnda/imfpa signed by all involved parties, including commission structures. o the seller issues the dip test authorization (dta), signed by all parties, including the buyer's tank farm. if the buyer s tsa does not meet the seller s verification, the buyer will need to extend their storage in the seller's tank to perform the dip test and lift the product. o upon signing the dta by all parties, the seller provides the following: a) fresh sgs report b) tank receipt c) injection report d) certificate of origin e) refinery reservoir receipt o the buyer arranges and pays for sgs (or equivalent) to conduct the dip test in the seller s tank. upon successful dip test, the buyer provides vessel details or tank farm information commande: 100.000 tonnes cif lome 595$
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