EspaceAgro selleco

Aptamil Cow And Gate Nido Friso HIPP - Royaume-Uni

Aptamil, Cow and Gate, Nido, Friso, HIPP - lait et produits laitiers milk powder,  nutrition,  baby formula----contact us for more info if interested- ----aptamil milk powder for all stages. --aptamil milk powder----aptamil pre mit pronutra anfangsmilch = 800g--aptamil pronutra 1 milchnahrung = 800g--aptamil 2 mit pronutra folgemilch = 800g--aptamil 3 mit pronutra folg
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°641783:   16/05/2024 03:22:24
milk powder, nutrition, baby formula

contact us for more info if interested:

aptamil milk powder for all stages.
aptamil milk powder

aptamil pre mit pronutra anfangsmilch = 800g
aptamil pronutra 1 milchnahrung = 800g
aptamil 2 mit pronutra folgemilch = 800g
aptamil 3 mit pronutra folgemilch = 800g
milupa aptamil kindermilch 1+ = 600g
milupa aptamil kindermilch 2+ = 600g
minimum order: 2000 units by air.
supply ability: 30000 units (mixture).
delivery time: 3 5 days after payment confirmation (air freight).

holle milk powder

holle bio kindermilch 1= 600g
holle bio kindermilch 2= 600g
holle bio kindermilch 3= 600g
holle bio kindermilch 4= 600g
minimum order: 2000 units by air.
supply ability: 30000 units (mixture).
delivery time: 3 5 days after payment confirmation (air freight).

cow & gate milk powder

cow and gate first infant milk from newborn stage 1= 900g
cow and gate hungrier babies from newborn stage 2= 900g
cow & gate follow on milk stage 3= 900g
cow & gate growing up milk for toddlers 1yr+= 900g
cow & gate growing up milk 2yr+= 800g
minimum order: 2000 units by air.
supply ability: 30000 units (mixture).
delivery time: 3 5 days after payment confirmation (air freight).

hipp milk powder

hipp organic first infant milk powder stage 1= 800g
hipp organic hungry infant milk powder stage 2= 800g
hipp organic follow on milk powder stage 3= 800g
hipp organic growing up milk powder stage 4= 600g
hipp organic first infant milk powder starter= 800g
minimum order: 2000 units by air.
supply ability: 30000 units (mixture).
delivery time: 3 5 days after payment confirmation (air freight).

nutrilon milk powder

nutrilon standard 1 (geschikt vanaf de geboorte) = 850g
nutrilon standaard 2 met pronutra (opvolgmelk) = 850g
nutrilon standaard 3 met pronutra (opvolgmelk) = 850g
nutrilon standaard 4 (dreumesmelk met pronutra) = 800g
nutrilon standaard 5 (peutermelk) = 800g
nutrilon pepti h.a. 1= 800g
nutrilon pepti h.a. 2= 800g
minimum order: 2000 units by air.
supply ability: 30000 units (mixture).
Quantite : 1000 pieces
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